




1992-1999,南开大学本科与硕士研究生;1999-2002,山东威海经济技术开发区组织部;2002-2005,浙江大学/清华大学,博士(药物分析学);2014-2015,荷兰莱顿大学生物研究所访问学者。上海市药学会天然药化专委会会员、中国抗癌学会会员、中国医药生物技术协会药物分析技术分会委员,担任Frontiers in Pharmacology期刊副编辑(associate editor)以及 Foods期刊客座编辑(guest editor)。2006年至今在伟德bv国际体育中国官方网站从事教学与科研工作,副研究员,主要致力于中药药效物质基础和作用机制研究,以及大健康产品研发等。
Papers published in 5 years(in part):
1. Lijing Du, Yuanfang Sun, Qian Wang, Leqi Wang, Yiping Zhang, Shasha Li, Huizi Jin, Shikai Yan*, Xue Xiao*, Integrated metabolomics and 16S rDNA sequencing to investigate the mechanism of immune-enhancing effect of health Tonic oral liquid, Food Research International 2021, 144: 110323 (IF=6.48)
2. Lijing Du, Qian Wang, Shuai Ji, Yuanfang Sun, Yiping Zhang, Shasha Li, Shikai Yan* and Huizi Jin*, Metabolomic and microbial remodeling by Shanmei capsule improves hyperlipidemia in high fat food-induced mice, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2022, in press (accepted on Mar 23, 2022, IF=5.29)
3. Yang F, Yan SK, He Y, Wang F, Song SX, Guo YJ, Zhou Q, Wang Y, Lin ZY, Yang Y, Zhang WD, Sun SH. Expression of hepatitis B virus proteins in transgenic mice alters lipid metabolism and induces oxidative stress in the liver. Journal of Hepatology 2008; 48(1): 12-19 (Co-First Author; IF=25.08)
4. Wang X, Yan SK, Dai WX, Liu XR, Zhang WD, Wang JJ. A metabonomic approach to chemosensitivity prediction of cisplatin plus 5-fluorouracil in a human xenograft model of gastric cancer. International Journal of Cancer 2010; 127(12): 2841-2850 (Co-First Author, IF=7.396)
5. Cheng M, Sun YF, Wang LQ, Tan LR, Jin HZ, Yan SK*, Li SS, Xiao X*, Integrative analysis of microbiome and metabolome in rats with Gest-Aid Plus Oral Liquid supplementation reveals mechanism of its healthcare function,Food Quality and Safety 2021, 5: 1-10
6. LI Bingbing, WANG Qian, LI Caixi, HUANG Wenjing, CHEN Guoliang*, GUAN Yongxia, Muhammad Ishaq, XIAO Xue, YAN Shikai*, Study on GC-MS fingerprint of petroleum ether fraction of Shenqi Jiangtang Granules, Digital Chinese Medicine, 2021, 4(1): 32-41
7. Wang, Qian; Du, Lijing; Hong, Jiana; Chen, Zhenlin; Liu, Huijian; Li, Shasha; Xiao, Xue; Yan, Shikai*, Molecular mechanism underlying the hypolipidemic effect of Shanmei Capsule based on network pharmacology and molecular docking, Technology and Health Care, 2021, 29(S1): S239-S256,
8. Dongjun Li, Denghui Wang, Shikai Yan*, Exploration of underlying molecular mechanism of Lycii Cortex in Treating Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Based on Network Pharmacology and Molecular Docking, E3S Web of Conferences 233, 02007 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1051/ e3sconf/202123302007
9. Caixia Li, Wenjing Huang, Qian Wang, Zhiwei Huang and Shikai Yan*, Rapid quantification of epigoitrin in the extraction process of Radix Isatidis using near infrared spectroscopy, E3S Web of Conferences 233, 02020 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202123302020
10. Sun YF, Li SS, Li J, Xiao X, Hua ZL, Wang X, Yan SK*, A clinical metabolomics-based biomarker signature acts as an approach to early diagnose gastric cardiac adenocarcinoma, Oncology Letters, 2020, 19(1): 681-690
11. 王乐琪, 张云帆, 李莎莎, 孙元芳, 洪佳娜, 肖雪*, 严诗楷*, 丹参治疗微循环障碍作用机制的“成分-靶点-通路”多层次互作网络模型研究, 中草药 2020, 51(2): 439-450
12. 孙元芳, 李冰冰, 关永霞, 叶士莉, 严诗楷*, 支运霞, 张贵民*, 基于网络药理学和分子对接技术探讨柴银颗粒抗冠状病毒感染潜在分子机制, 中草药, 2020, 51(19): 4999-5009
13. 展敏, 李莎莎, 马新称, 肖雪, 严诗楷*, 郭姣, 基于ICP-MS的高脂血症潜在元素标志物研究, 南开大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 53(2): 106-112
14. Zhu SL, Xiao YZ, Wu GJ, Xie YG, Muhammad I, Sun YF, Yan SK*, Jin HZ*, Chemical Constituents of Inula pterocaula, CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS, 2019, 55(6): 1135-1137
15. Wu GJ, Sun YF, Zhu SL, Xiao YZ, Xie YG, Muhammad I, Yan SK*, Jin HZ*, Chemical Constituents of Clausena dunniana var. robusta, CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS, 2019, 55(6): 1173-1175
16. Guo YG, Xie YG, Wu GJ, Cheng TF, Zhu SL, Yan SK*, Jin HZ*, Zhang WD*, Xylopidimers A-E, Five New Guaiane Dimers with Various Carbon Skeletons from the Roots of Xylopia vielana, ACS OMEGA, 2019, 4(1): 2047-2052
17. Huang YY, Xie YG, Zhu SL, Yan SK*, Jin HZ*, Chemical Constituents of Dolomiaea berardioidea, CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS, 2019, 55(2): 316-317
18. Ren J, Xie YG, Guo YG, Yan SK*, Jin HZ*, Chemical Constituents of Liparis viridiflora, CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS, 2019, 55(3): 552-554
19. 肖雪, 许思敏, 高映敏, 黎珊珊, 吴春蓉, 严诗楷*, 盐制女贞子化学成分的UPLC-Q/TOF MS鉴定研究, 现代食品科技, 2019, 35(10): 253-260
20. Xie YG, Guo YG, Wu GJ, Zhu SL, Cheng TF, Zhang Y, Yan SK*, Jin HZ*, Zhang WD*, Xylopsides A-D, four rare guaiane dimers with two unique bridged pentacyclic skeletons from Xylopia vielana, ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY, 2018, 16(37): 8408-8412
21. Sun YF, Wang X*, Yan SK*, Li J, Xiao X, Global metabolic profiling of cardiac adenocarcinoma on plasma samples using uplc/qtof-ms for determining potential biomarkers, Basic Clinical & Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2018, 123(S6): 15
22. Lei Zhou, Zeyong Yang*, Xianfu Lu, Xingxing Li, Xiaohu An, Jing Chai, Qiling Yang, Shikai Yan* and Yuanhai Li*, JNK inhibitor alleviates apoptosis of fetal neural stem cells induced by emulsified isoflurane, Oncotarget, 2017, 8 (55): 94009~94019
23. Xincai Zhao, YigongGuo, Yu Zhang, YangguoXie, Shikai Yan*, Huizi Jin*,Weidong Zhang, Monoterpene derivatives from the flowers of the Hemerocallis minor Mill. Phytochemistry Letters 2017,21: 134–138
24. Jialong Jiang, Shasha Li, Yiqiao Wang, Xue Xiao, Yi Jin, Yilong Wang, Zeyong Yang, Shikai Yan*. Potential neurotoxicity of prenatal exposure to sevoflurane on offspring: Metabolomics investigation on neurodevelopment and underlying mechanism, International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 2017, 62: 46-53
25. Shikai Yan, Jing Zhao, Dale G Nagle, YuDong Zhou, Weidong Zhang, CHAPTER 1: Strategy for Modern Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine Formulae. A chapter in Systems Biology and Its Application in TCM Formulas Research, edited by Wei-Dong Zhang, Elsevier Inc., 2018, Pages 3-18, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-812744-5.00001-1
参研项目“方剂组分活性跟踪与配伍方法的建立与实践”曾获国家科技进步二等奖,“清开灵注射液多环节阻抑脑缺血级联反应药效物质与作用机理研究”获教育部科技进步一等奖。曾获中组部“第八批优秀援疆干部人才”称号,记功一次,曾获伟德bv国际体育中国官方网站“晨星青年学者奖励计划”SMC优秀青年教师奖。近年来主持或合作参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、上海市科委“科技创新行动”中药现代化专项、以及企业横向课题等科研项目10余项。累计发表论文近200篇,其中SCI期刊论文120篇以上,以第一作者及通讯作者身份在Journal of Hepatology (IF=25.08)、International Journal of Cancer(IF=7.396)、Food Research International (IF=6.475)、Oral Oncology(IF=5.337)、Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology (IF=5.293), Journal of Proteome、Journal of Chromatography A等知名SCI期刊发表论文40余篇,单篇影响因子最高25.08。


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