




章雪晴,博士,博士生导师,伟德bv国际体育中国官方网站研究员,生物材料和药物传递课题组组长。2005年获得武汉大学高分子化学与物理博士。博士毕业后,曾在美国西北大学生物医学工程系担任讲师和从事研究工作。2010年加入麻省理工学院三院院士 Robert Langer 教授课题组和哈佛医学院 Omid Farokhzad 教授课题组,完成联合培养的博士后研究工作。
章雪晴博士研究方向主要集中在新型生物医用植入材料、药物及核酸分子的输送系统和缓控释技术的设计和研发,并应用于基因治疗、药物传递、组织再生和生物成像等领域。章雪晴博士相继在世界一流杂志上发表SCI论文共计35篇,被全世界的学者引用超过4200次,其中以第一或通讯作者发表21篇,包括Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Science Translational Medicine (Science的子刊)的封面文章,Advanced Materials, 2篇ACS Nano (其中1篇被ACS Nano编辑社撰文作为研究亮点重点介绍), Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Biomaterials, Small, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 以及3篇Advanced Healthcare Materials等在内的著名学术期刊上。并先后应邀在国际著名的学术会议上作报告并撰写评论以及综述,包括2019年中国药物制剂大会进行主题报告并获得二等奖,具有一定的学术影响力。章雪晴博士多项研究成果都得到了广泛的媒体报道,包括Nature, Yahoo (雅虎), CNN (美国有线电视新闻网), National Public Radio (美国国家公共广播电台)和网易等著名媒体。章雪晴博士关于三阴性乳腺瘤靶向功能的新型药物制剂的研究成果也得到美国工业界的关注,获得了来自Baxter(百特)国际医疗公司Baxter Young Investigator Award的奖项支持。基于章雪晴博士的研究成果,共计有5项科研成果专利已经申请美国和国际专利,其中1项专利已在美国获得批准授权。

1999.09-2005.01 武汉大学 高分子化学与物理专业 博士
博士生导师: 卓仁禧 (中国科学院院士,武汉大学) ;Kam W. Leong 教授(美国工程院院士,现任教于美国哥伦比亚大学);毛海泉教授(现任教于美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学)
1995.09-1999.06 武汉大学 应用化学专业 学士
1. 以肿瘤、糖尿病、肥胖症和心血管疾病为重点,设计合成基于高分子和脂质体的多功能微纳米缓释载体用于基因治疗,免疫治疗和药物传递;
2. 新型生物医用高分子材料及其微纳米结构的设计制备,用于再生医药和医用器件。
生物材料和药物传递课题组是一个年轻、活跃和开放的课题组,为同学们提供了多学科交叉融合的研究环境。欢迎对科研有热情,对生物医用材料及药物传递技术感兴趣的同学加入我们。实验室也欢迎优秀的博士毕业生申请博士后工作岗位,感兴趣的同学可以发邮件咨询(Email: xueqingzhang@sjtu.edu.cn)。

1. B. Hu, K. Oti Boakye‐Yiadom, W. Yu, Z.‐W. Yuan, W. Ho, X. Xu, X.‐Q. Zhang*. “Nanomedicine Approaches for Advanced Diagnosis and Treatment of Atherosclerosis and Related Ischemic Diseases.” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2020, Accepted, doi: 10.1002/adhm.202000336
2. Q. J. Chen#, M. Z. Gao#, Z. Y. Li, Y. Xiao, X. Bai, K. O. Boakye-Yiadoma, X. Y. Xu*, X.-Q. Zhang*. “Biodegradable nanoparticles decorated with different carbohydrates for efficient macrophage-targeted gene therapy.” Journal of Controlled Release, 2020, 323: 179-190.
3. Z. Yuan#, Y.-H. Tsou#, X.-Q. Zhang#, S. Huang, Y. Yang, M. Gao, W. Ho, Q. Zhao, X. Ye, X. Xu. “Injectable Citrate-Based Hydrogel as an Angiogenic Biomaterial Improves Cardiac Repair after Myocardial Infarction.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(42): 38429-38439.
4. Y. H. Tsou, B. Wang, W. Ho, B. Hu, P Tang, S. Sweet, X.-Q. Zhang* and X. Xu*. "Nanotechnology‐Mediated Drug Delivery for the Treatment of Obesity and Its Related Comorbidities." Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2019 April 2: e1801184. doi: 10.1002/adhm.201801184
5. Y. H. Tsou#, X.-Q. Zhang#*, X. Bai, H. Zhu, Z. Y. Li, Y. L. Liu, J. J. Shi, X. Y. Xu, Dopant-free hydrogels with intrinsic photoluminescence and biodegradable properties, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28(34).
6. X. Bai#, M. Z. Gao#, S. Syed, J. Zhuang, X. Y. Xu*, X.-Q. Zhang*, Bioactive hydrogels for bone regeneration, Bioactive Materials, 2018, 3(4): 401-417.
7. Y. H. Tsou#, X.-Q. Zhang#*, H. Zhu, S. Syed, X. Y. Xu, Drug delivery to the brain across the blood-brain barrier using nanomaterials, Small, 2017, 13(43).
8. X.-Q. Zhang#, W. Ho#, M. Garis, X. Y. Xu, Biomaterials in siRNA delivery: A comprehensive review, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2016, 5(21): 2715-2731.
9. Y. Xue, X. Y. Xu, X.-Q. Zhang, O. Farokhzad, R. Langer, Preventing diet-induced obesity in mice by adipose tissue transformation and angiogenesis using targeted nanoparticles, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016, 113(20): 5552-5557.
10. X.-Q. Zhang#, O. Even-Or#, X. Y. Xu, M. Rosmalen, L. Lim, S. Gadde, O. Farokhzad, E. Fisher, Nanoparticles containing a liver X receptor inhibit inflammation and atherosclerosis, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2015, 4(2): 228-236.
11. X. Y. Xu, W. Ho, X.-Q. Zhang, N. Bertrand, O. Farokhzad, Cancer nanomedicine: from targeted delivery to combination therapy, Trends in molecular Medicine, 2015, 21, 233-244.
12. J. Wu, N. Kamly, J. Shi, L. Zhao, Z. Xiao, G. Hollett, R. John, S. Ray, X.-Q. Zhang, P. Kantoff, O. Farokhzad, Development of multinuclear polymeric nanoparticles as robust protein nanocarriers, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 53(34): 8975-8979.
13. S. Gadde, O. Even-Or, N. Kamaly, A. Hasija, P. G. Gagnon, K. H. Adusumilli, A. Erakovic, A. K. Pal, X.-Q. Zhang, N. Kolishetti, J. Shi, E. A. Fisher, O. C. Farokhzad, Development of therapeutic polymeric nanoparticles for the resolution of inflammation, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2014, 3(9): 1448-1456.
14. X.-Q. Zhang#, X. Y. Xu#, K. Xie#, E. Pridgen, G. Park, D. Cui, J. Shi, J. Wu, S. Lippard, R. Langer, G. Walker, O. Farokhzad, Enhancing tumor cell response to chemotherapy through ‪nanoparticle-mediated‬ co-delivery of siRNA and cisplatin prodrug, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2013, 110(46): 18638-18643.‬
15. X.-Q. Zhang#, X. Y. Xu#, N. Bertrand, E. Pridgen, A. Swami, O. C. Farokhzad, Interactions of nanomaterials and biological systems: implications to personalized nanomedicine, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2012, 64(13): 1363-1384.
16. E. K. Chow, X.-Q. Zhang, M. Chen, R. Lam, E. Robinson, H. Huang, D. Schaffer, E. Osawa, A. Gora, D. Ho, Nanodiamond therapeutic delivery agents mediate enhanced chemoresistant tumor treatment, Science Translational Medicine, 2011, 3(73): 73ra21.
17. X.-Q. Zhang, R. Lam, E. K. Chow, H. J. Kim, D. Ho, Multimodal nanodiamond drug delivery carriers for selective targeting, imaging and enhanced chemotherapeutic efficacy, Advanced Materials, 2011, 23(41): 4770-4775.
18. X.-Q. Zhang#, X. Y. Xu#, R. Lam, D. Giljohann, D. Ho, C. A. Mirkin, Strategy for increasing drug solubility and efficacy through covalent attachment to polyvalent DNA-nanoparticle conjugates, ACS Nano, 2011, 5(9): 6962-6970.
19. J. Intra, X.-Q. Zhang, R. L. Williams, X. Zhu, A. D. Sandler, A. K. Salem, Immunostimulatory sutures that treat local disease recurrence following primary tumor resection, Biomedical Materials, 2011, 6(1): 011001.
20. A. H. Smith, E. M. Robinson, X.-Q. Zhang, E. K. Chow, Y. Lin, E. Osawa, J. Xi, D. Ho, Triggered release of therapeutic antibodies from nanodiamond complexes, Nanoscale, 2011, 3(7): 2844-2848.
21. M. Chen, X.-Q. Zhang, H. B. Man, R. Lam, E. K. Chow, D. Ho, Nanodiamond vectors functionalized with polyethylenimine for siRNA Delivery, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2010, 1(21): 3167–3171.
22. L. M. Manus, D. J. Mastarone, E. A. Waters, X.-Q. Zhang, E. A. Schultz-Sikma, K. W. MacRenaris, D. Ho, T. J. Meade, Gd(III)-nanodiamond conjugates for MRI contrast enhancement, Nano Letters, 2010, 10(2): 484-489.
23. X.-Q. Zhang, M. Chen, R. Lam, D. Ho, Polymer-functionalized nanodiamond platforms as vehicles for gene delivery, ACS Nano, 2009, 3(9): 2609-2616.
24. X.-Q. Zhang, H. Tang, R. Hoshia, L. D. Laporte, H. Qiu, X. Xu, L. D. Shea, G. A. Ameer, Sustained transgene expression via citric acid-based polyester elastomers, Biomaterials, 2009, 30(13): 2632-2641.
25. Y. Song, X. Y. Xu, K. W. MacRenaris, X.-Q. Zhang, C. A. Mirkin, T. J. Meade, Multimodal gadolinium-enriched DNA-gold nanoparticle conjugates for cellular imaging, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2009, 48(48): 9143-9147.
26. R Shimkunas, E Robinson, R. Lam, X. Y. Xu, X.-Q. Zhang, H. Huang, E. Osawa, D. Ho, Nanodiamond-insulin complexes as pH-dependent protein delivery vehicles, Biomaterials, 2009, 30(29): 5720-5728.
27. R. Goforth, A. K. Salem, X. Zhu, S. Miles, X.-Q. Zhang, J. Lee, A. D. Sandler, Immune stimulatory antigen loaded particles combined with depletion of regulatory T-cells induce potent tumor specific immunity in a mouse model of melanoma, Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, 2009, 58(4): 517-530.
28. X.-Q. Zhang#, J. Intra#, A. K. Salem, Comparative study of poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid)-poly ethyleneimine-plasmid DNA microparticles prepared using double emulsion methods, Journal of Microencapsulation, 2008, 25(1): 1-12.
29. X.-Q. Zhang#, C. E. Dahle#, G. J. Weiner, A. K. Salem, A comparative study of the antigen-specific immune response induced by co-delivery of CpG ODN and antigen using fusion molecules or biodegradable microparticles, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2007, 96(12): 3283-3292.
30. X.-Q. Zhang#, C. E. Dahle#, N. K. Baman, N. Rich, G. J. Weiner, A. K. Salem, Potent antigen-specific immune responses stimulated by co-delivery of CpG ODN and antigens in degradable microparticles, Journal of Immunotherapy, 2007, 30(5): 469-478.
31. X.-Q. Zhang, J. Intra, A. K. Salem, Conjugation of polyamidoamine dendrimers on biodegradable microparticles for non-viral gene delivery, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2007, 18(6): 2068-2076.
32. K. H. Wong, G. B. Sun, X.-Q. Zhang, H. Dai, Y. Liu, C. B. He, K. W. Leong, PEI-g-chitosan, a novel gene delivery system with transfection efficiency comparable to polyethylenimine in vitro and after liver administration in vivo, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2006, 17, 152-158.
33. X.-Q. Zhang, X. L. Wang, P. C. Zhang, R. X. Zhuo, Z. L. Liu, H. Q. Mao, K. W. Leong, Galactosylated ternary DNA/polyphosphoramidate nanoparticles mediate high gene transfection efficiency in primary hepatocytes, Journal of Controlled Release, 2005, 102(3): 749-763.
34. X.-Q. Zhang, X. L. Wang, R. X. Zhuo, Z. L. Liu, H. Q. Mao, K. W. Leong, In vitro gene delivery using PAMAM dendrimers with trimesyl core, Biomacromolecules, 2005, 6(1): 341-350.
35. S. W. Huang, L. Z. Fu, X.-Q. Zhang, H. Liu, W. X. Li, R. X. Zhuo, Synthesis of polyamidoamine dendrimers starting from a hexadimensional core and application in gene transfer, SCIENCE IN CHINA Series B-Chemistry, 2003, 46(3): 271-27946.
相继获得伟德bv国际体育中国官方网站转化医学交叉研究基金(重点项目)、伟德bv国际体育中国官方网站重点前瞻布局基金(重点突破)、以及转化医学国家重大科技基础设施上海开放课题(重点项目)等多个项目的支持。2011年获得美国Baxter Young Investigator Award。


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